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Re: Infrared-Digest V #431

>From: George L Smyth <glsmyth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re:Answers to several EIR questi
>On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Gary Beasley wrote:
>> That doesn't indicate a lack of antihalation, it shows how the felt fails
>> to stop the infrared from coming in. The banding is just where the film was
>> shined on through the slot. If it lacked antihalation you would get nice
>> halos around any bright object just like you do with HIE, which obviously
>> doesn't happen. This is the same pattern that occurs if the felt is damaged
>> on a reloadable cassette. This still indicates that Kodaks recommendation
>> for loading in the dark is a good one.
>EIR does not have an anti-halation layer (checked with Kodak just to make
So how does EIR avoid the haloes? Does the emulsion layers below the IR
layer do the trick? If so you could consider it to have some antihalation
properties. Also does it have the same estar film base as HIE that would
pipe light deep into the roll? Last time I processed a roll of EIR sometime
back in the last ice age I remember it to be on normal acetate base like
regular Ektachrome.
Gary Beasley

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