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Re: IR proof changing bag

>On the off chance that my no-name changing bag from B&H is to blame
>for ruining my last roll of HIE, can anyone recommend a good IR-proof
>changing bag that is relatively small,light, and cheap? I'd like
>something that I could stick in the glove compartment or bottom of
>the camera bag for quick changes in the field.
>B.B. Bean - Have horn, will travel
>	bbbean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Peach Orchard, MO

In my experience, the modern small light and cheap variety are similar to
the modern large light cheap varieties of changing bag.

Although IR opaque the bags are not made properly - open seams at the ends
of the material used to make the bags being a real problem.

For 4x5 sheet film you can guarantee that one of your holders will end up
with thin threads of material caught in the holder and only apparent after
you have developed the film.

I now have a large old changing bag which works well and am waiting for a
one of the IR suspect tent type changing bags to arrive.  Will test out the
tent-type bag for use with IR however it is intended mainly for use with
ordinary B&W film and trannies.

Bottom line is - turn the bag inside out and check that the material has
been hemmed and stitched properly.  Be prepared to pay a little more for
peace of mind :-)

Lists of tried and tested bags currently available welcome for the IR FAQ.
Please either post here or EMail to  irfaq@xxxxxxxxxxx  thank you.

All the best,

                     Photographic Services, Filters and Equipment
                            Adventures in Cyberspace - Digital Art and Photos

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