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Re: Who to blame?

  • From: Luvdove6@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Who to blame?
  • Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 18:40:54 EDT

> Then that was a problem with your camera - your camera was defective and you
>  corrected it with tape.  I know of no working cameras with that problem.
>  george

I was just saying that the window that lets you see the info on the canister 
obviously lets light in... some cheap cameras have that and it can let light 
in to the film when it is ready to be exposed not while the film is inside 
the canister but when it is ready to be exposed in front of the shutter...  
I'm not saying it didn't work... it just had the window  ;-)  It's not a big 
deal... I think you know what I'm saying
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