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Confusing EIR results

  • From: "YASHAR,SHAWN PARSHA" <syashar@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Confusing EIR results
  • Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 01:00:23 -0700 (PDT)

I recently bought a roll of EIR that I shot on a trip to Hawaii and got
back perfectly exposed slides that returned with only images with magenta
and yellow dyes.  I took them to Hawaii for a week, where I kept them
refrigerated whenever possible, exposed them with a variety of filters
(58, 29, 16, 9, etc.), and upon my return refigerated the exposed film for
two weeks, before sending them off to Kodak Premium Processing for
development, with the express instructions not to open the film cans in
light and to turn of IR sensors.  I also instructed Kodak to not process
if unable to comply with these directions.  Kodak returned the film
unprocessed and unopened.  At this point I took them to a local lab
(Colortek in LA), instructed them that it was IR (I have developed EIR
with this lab previously with success) and got back my slides which look
like properly exposed slides, but do not have a trace of blue dye in them.
Who screwed me, the lab, Kodak's film manufacturing, the travel, what?  By
the way, the film was loaded in complete darkness, and to my eye (unless
IR fogging is different) the slides don't look fogged, the just don't have
blue dye.  Can the lab develop film without developing a the cyan layer
somehow?  Please help! 


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