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RE: Confusing EIR results

>>>I recently bought a roll of EIR that I shot on a trip to Hawaii and got 
>>>back perfectly exposed slides that returned with only images with magenta 
>>>and yellow dyes..........
Can the lab develop film without developing a the cyan layer somehow? Please 

If a lab forgets to turn off its IR sensors in it's E6 developing machine 
you will get back slides that are mostly magenta and yellow in their 
coloring.  What's happening on a more technical level, is that the IR 
sensors are basically destroying the IR sensitive layer of the film which is 
responsible for creating the cyan color during the reversal process (at 
least that's what I remember, someone correct me if I'm incorrect) . The 
film doesn't have the typical overall fogged appearance because the 
overexposed IR layer turns clear during the reversal process and the other 
two layers are not affected by IR light.

This can easily be checked by opening up one of your slide mounts. If the 
edges of the film around the sprocket holes are red instead of black it's 
the lab's fault! Go back to them jump up and down and get a refund and never 
take your EIR film their again.

I'd actually recommend that you buy an E6 processing kit and develop the 
film yourself.  This eliminates the "moron at the lab" variable.

Take Care Rolland Elliott

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