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Hi I'm new and need help!!

  • From: "David Green" <D.Green@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Hi I'm new and need help!!
  • Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 16:14:39 +0000

Hello fellow infra red listers

My name is Dave Green, live in London
discovered Infra Red after seeing images
in Simon Marden's Book Images of Poe.

I don't have a lot of equipment as it was
stolen not so long ago, so am currently
re building from scratch

I've got a roll of Kokak infra red sitting in the 
Fridge and I'm afraid to use it!!

Can anyone point me in the right direction ie
good source book to help me on this venture.

I'm afraid I'm not to techy about things. So
if anyone could point me in the right direction
I'd be thrilled!!!.

All the very best


Dave Green

David Green        
Personnel Section
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Surrey TW9 3AB          Tel: 0181 332 5153
England                 Fax: 0181 332 5110
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