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Re: Digitial IR and chioce of cameras

  • From: "Geoff Saul" <sunscape@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Digitial IR and chioce of cameras
  • Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 16:40:06 +0100

> On the choice of digital cameras, are they all at least near IR capable
> with the use of the 87 series of filters? Is any particular model more
> sensitive?
> It seems like the features that are needed are:
> - LCD for preview
> - external lens that is threaded for filters - preferably doesn't rotate
> - anything else in particular for IR?
> ..dan


As Eric points out on his site, some digicams are apparently fitted with a
filter/blocking mechanism for IR light.

I`ve successfully used a Fuji MX700 and, along with quite a few others (Carl
Schofield from this list springs to mind) the ubiquitous Coolpix 950. The
Fuji images were fairly dark with my #87C, but the Nikon delivers
wonderfully clear IR images, needing minimal tweaking in Photoshop (or
whatever software you use). Definitely the camera of choice for digital IR
work at the moment it would seem. But then, there seems to be a new model
released every week these days!

You don`t really need an LCD for previewing/reviewing, as you can
confidently fill the memory card with images on location once you`ve sorted
your technique out at base - the consistency so far has been wonderful. Any
"duff" shots can be binned without wasting the expensive commodity of actual

A threaded lens is not essential either. Crude as it sounds, you can compose
the shot first, then simply hold the Wratten over the lens whilst the camera
is set on self-timer. Voila! The Nikons are threaded though - I now use a
couple of step-ups rings and a proper filter holder.

Anything else? Bright sunlight, I`ve found! The more IR hitting the camera
the better.


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