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Re: Previewing wood-effect

  • From: "Willem-Jan Markerink" <w.j.markerink@xxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Previewing wood-effect
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:35:12 +0100

On 20 Oct 99 at 11:38, Barry B. Bean wrote:

> I will Not make the obvious joke, I will Not make the obvious joke, I
> will Not make the obvious joke, I will Not make the obvious joke, I
> will Not make the obvious joke, I will Not make the obvious joke, I
> will Not make the obvious joke, I will Not make the obvious joke, I
> will Not make the obvious joke, I will Not make the obvious joke, I
> will Not make the obvious joke, I will Not make the obvious joke, I
> will Not make the obvious joke, I will Not make the obvious joke, I
> will Not make the obvious joke, I will Not make the obvious joke, I
> will Not make the obvious joke.....
> Phew- that was tough.

Your last name doesn't happen to be Allen, does it?....;-))



Willem-Jan Markerink

      The desire to understand 
is sometimes far less intelligent than
     the inability to understand

[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]
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