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Re: Hi I'm new and need help!!(private)

  • From: Luvdove6@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Hi I'm new and need help!!(private)
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 19:03:56 EDT

In a message dated 10/21/99 9:25:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
D.Green@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> From:             Luvdove6@xxxxxxx
>  Date sent:       Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:41:27 EDT
>  Subject:         Re: Hi I'm new and need help!!(private)
>  To:              infrared@xxxxx
>  Send reply to:   infrared@xxxxx
>  Hi Holly
>  I started off using a point and shoot camera so it really doesn't 
>  matter
>  which camera you use but make sure there are no light leaks..  
>  although
>  David Green        
>  Personnel Section
>  Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
>  Richmond                              
>  Surrey TW9 3AB          Tel: 0181 332 5153
>  England                 Fax: 0181 332 5110

Sorry, David!  I think I missed some of your message or something?  ;-)
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