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Re: It was the changing bag


> You might try the Harrison Tent sold by darkroom innovations,,,,,at least

I'm not sure the Harrison Tent is IR proof.
Also Darkroom Inovations is now know as the View Camera Store.

The changing bag marketed by Kalt is IR proof. They come in two sizes, I
have the 27"x30" size which is the larger of the two and costs about $25 to
$30 dollars. Not much considering that 1 roll of fogged film will pay for
about half the cost of the bag. I seem to recall that one person on this
list found out the hard way that all changing bags aren't created equal. But
even not so smart people will realize that some changing bags aren't IR
proof, eventually after fogging a few rolls. Sigh I don't know which is
worse ignorance or stupidity.<G> This bags primary weak link are the zippers
as they can easily get bound up by the changing bag material. The Kalt bag
is large enough to change 4x5 film holders and 8x10 as well, even though HSI
isn't available in 8x10 size except by special order from Kodak but is
handing for downloading/uploading sheet film in field.

Some one mentioned making their own, which seems like major overkill unless
one has a *LOT* of time on their hands. Or perhaps they require a walk in

Don Bryant

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