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Re:It was the changing bag

  • From: "Willem-Jan Markerink" <w.j.markerink@xxxxx>
  • Subject: Re:It was the changing bag
  • Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 23:54:30 +0100

On 26 Oct 99 at 21:46, Gary Beasley wrote:

> >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 12:34:05 EDT
> >From: Karin2001@xxxxxxx
> >Subject: Re: It was the changing bag
> >
> >My F64 bag jams all the time also.....maddening!!!
> >
> >Karin
> >
> ><< 
> > Any recommendations in favor of zipper-proof bags?
> > I once had to *cut* open the zipper on my LowePro 
> > MiniTrekker....and my normal PhotoTrekker also jams on me from time 
> > to time....nothing pisses me off more than stupid design-errors 
> > like that, especially not with bags that are designed for harsh  >>
> >*
> >
> Perhaps a low temperature iron on material placed over the area that gets
> trapped in the zipper to stiffen it up would do. Good experiment to try
> with an old bag due for replacement in the near future.
> Gary Beasley

I have been pondering about stitching a second layer of thick textile 
along the zipper, so that it would be too thick to get trapped 
inbetween....but it is schizofrenic that *I* will have to perform 
these modifications on such an expensive bag. 


Willem-Jan Markerink

      The desire to understand 
is sometimes far less intelligent than
     the inability to understand

[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]
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