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Re: 87c, Red 25, and more...

  • From: "John Wood" <monsterjon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: 87c, Red 25, and more...
  • Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:09:03 -0500

Yep, I had the exact experience....oops.  fortunately it was onlt three and learn
-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Witsell <wfc27@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: infrared@xxxxx <infrared@xxxxx>
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999 5:08 AM
Subject: 87c, Red 25, and more...

>Hi all,
>I’m taking a road trip to Portland, OR. this weekend and I want (weather
>permitting) to shoot a full roll of HIE with my 87c. I have been swapping
>back and forth with a Red 25 and have had random results with the 87c and
>want to nail down a consistent method for using it.
>How does this sound:
>Set the film speed to 12 ASA.
>Meter the scene.
>Set the shutter speed to 125.
>Crank up the film speed until the meter reads F/11.
>Bracket +/- 1 ASA stop.
>I tend to like somewhat underexposed shots with heavy blacks, so I may
>bracket two ASA speeds higher.
>Does this sound about right?
>Another question: On page 101 of Laurie White’s book, the “Exposure
>Adjustments” chart says when using an 87c you should increase exposure by
>12+ (!) stops. Is that correct? I thought it was more like 5. What am I
>Yet another: I had a interesting experience with a roll of HIE last
>Usually I set my ASA to 200, meter through a Red 25, and bracket +/- one
>f-stop. This usually gives me predictable results. This last Sunday,
>however, was very bright. It was one o’clock p.m., cold, clear, no wind or
>dust, and the sun (here in Seattle) was low in the southern sky.
>Every shot with the Red 25 was blown out! It didn’t dawn on me (no pun
>intended) until I came out of the darkroom with half a roll of smoked HIE
>that there must have been an immense amount of IR light that day and my
>meter was giving me inaccurate readings--if I had used the sunny sixteen
>rule, I would have set the shutter speed several clicks faster.
>Anyone else have this experience?
>A friend once said to me “Character is what you get when you don’t get what
>you want.”
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