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Stephen Intille's Problem

  • From: Andy Finney <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Stephen Intille's Problem
  • Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 16:55:46 +0000

Reading Stephen's problem - that he wants to separately derive
'blue-screen' mattes without light spill and he's working from two
different directions - there is an alternative way of doing this.

The BBC devised a special reflective cloth that only reflects light back to
its source. You put this behind the subject and light it using a ring of
LEDs aound the camera lens. This is usually done with blue or green. The
nature of the cloth is such that the light sent back is very even.

It would work with infrared and if you shield each field of cloth from the
'wrong' light source (by putting something to the side of the LEDs) then
you can independently light two mattes efficiently.

Just don't ask me where you buy this cloth. An American company was selling
a kit at IBC for $500 - some cloth and a ring of LEDs.



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