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IR laser/holograms cont'd

  • From: "Editor - P.O.V. Image Service" <editor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: IR laser/holograms cont'd
  • Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 01:25:24 -0500

Infrared-Digest wrote:

> Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 12:14:00 -0800
> From: Mike Perkowitz <map@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: RE: Infrared-Digest V #484 IR Laser
> > holograms?  And....would the HIE film be of sufficient fine grain to be
> > able to record the interference patterns on it?
> my guess would be not.. when i once did some holography, we used very
> fine-grained and slow film. sorry, i dont recall what it was.

Hmm, but wouldn't the reproduction still be a variable based upon a ratio of the
grain size to total imaged surface area on the final plate?

Assuming you imaged an object with a proportionately large plate, one could
theoretically simply expand the beams to a greater degree immediately prior to
recombination to created the interference pattern...  Of course, exposure times
could become as absurd as those of the first holograms, but that is not the issue

Additionally, apparent grain size of processed film will be affected by the
developer used and development time to some extent as with any other development...


Perhaps the best way to try this first, rather than trying to focus just near IR
light (with the attendant issues that raises) would be to try doing it with a
combination of deep red and near IR light...

Should make the testing easier...  If it works, then take the red out of the mix
once you have the focus down.  Should not be a huge correction then necessary in
focal points..

I see no reason in principle that a near IR holo could not be produced on HSI...
Talk about the potential for "otherworldly" effects...



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