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Re: EI question

At 08:37 AM 11/17/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Could you share briefly your filter and the speed you shoot HIE at with
>the rest of us? I have something that works consistently also, but I'm
>always interested in hearing other's way of doing things. I expose HIE
>at EI 25, and have an 87c mounted BTFR. I have to overdevelop in D-76 to
>get the density up to what I like - about 12 minutes at 68 deg.

Most of my work is on 120 Konica not HIE but I'm going to run some tests on 
it.  I rate my Konica at 12ASA (not metered through the filter) in all 
seasons/times of day/altitudes/countries. In some circumstances I reduce my 
processing a little to control highlights (e.g. thunderstorms over a dark 
landscape or central Australian desert) but this does not alter the film speed.

I'm expecting the same situation with HIE, with possibly more highlight 
variation from the increased IR sensitivity. Time will tell whether I have 
to eat my words or not  ;-) The results of the test will be posted in my 
photo tips along with the method of the test (kinda busy at the moment but 
should have it done in the next 2 weeks).




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