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Re: Kodak to discontinue HSI?

At 1:14 pm +0100 17/11/99, Willem-Jan Markerink wrote:

>On 16 Nov 99 at 10:03, Clive Warren wrote:
>> Still no letter from Kodak UK regarding the future for HSI 4x5 sheet film.
>> However I did get a call this morning from a supplier who told me that they
>> had talked to Kodak UK regarding future supplies.
>> The latest story is that Kodak are going to discontinue the Estar-based HSI
>> (how it is normally supplied) and will in the future supply HSI in the
>> thinner acetate base as used in 35mm HIE.
>> Reading between the lines, this means that Kodak will be simply cutting the
>> 4x5 sheets from the same stock as that used for 35mm.
>Better/more-logical: from the same stock as 9.5" Aerographic IR.
>That's also where 8x10" for government agencies comes from AFAIK....
>(no sales to civil users AFAIK)

Yes, that seems to make more sense, however it would make more sense for
Kodak to rationalise on one IR B&W film stock.

Are there any differences between 9.5" Aerographic IR and 35mm HIE stock
other than size and sprocket holes?

All the best,

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