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Re: EOS fogging (Konica IR, SFX, APX)

  • From: Eckhard Stephan <eckhard.stephan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: EOS fogging (Konica IR, SFX, APX)
  • Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 01:31:40 +0100

> I would like no fogging though if possible, are you saying that you dont get
> any fogging by using the films you mention like Konica IR 750?  

Yes, that's what I meant: I don't get any fogging at all with Konica Ir
750, APX 200 S and SFX 200. Kodak HIE however is heavily fogged around
the sprockets. In most cases the lower edge of the picture is also
affected. I seems that the IR LEDS of my EOS 500 N work somewhere
between 810 nm, which is the "lower" end of the spectral sensitivity of
Konica IR 750 and 950 / 1000 nm ("lower" end of HIE). APX 200 S (about
775 nm) and SFX 200 (740) don't reach that far into the IR spectrum
anyway. Of course they aren't  "real" IR-films, only BW films with an
extended red sensitivity...

Cheers, Eckhard

*          Eckhard Stephan             * 
*          Freiburg (Germany)          *
*     eckhard.stephan@xxxxxxxxxxx      *	
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