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MACO IR 820c - Thanks for the intro.

  • From: Clive Warren <Clive.Warren@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: MACO IR 820c - Thanks for the intro.
  • Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:38:21 +0000

At 2:11 pm -0500 24/11/99, Kirk Davis wrote:

>Ok, at the risk of sounding pathetic...
>After introducing the Maco film to this newsgroup in an earlier posting
>(Good Dog, Good Dog), I am still not in possesion of a sample!!  I have
>emailed them till I am blue in the
>face.   I am dying out here, can anyone send me a roll??
>Don't I deserve a bone??

Hello Kirk,

You deserve a bit vote of thanks for letting the list know about the film.


The reason that you have not yet heard from MACO Photo is that they have
been swamped by hundreds of EMail messages, and to a lesser extent
telephone calls and faxes.  The chap who is answering the messages is the
manager, Mr Schroeder, who is quite overwhelmed and very happy with the
response to the introduction of the new film.

I had a long chat to Mr Schroeder yesterday and he is still happy to supply
test films but he does have limited stock.  I would imagine that the main
source of enquiries is from this list so perhaps we should all leave MACO
photo alone for a day and let you FAX your request directly to MACO.

I would imagine it will take a week or so before the EMail overload is
dealt with.  Currently they are sending out a standard reply to messages -
which is better than nothing :-)  They are a manufacturer and do not
normally supply film direct other than for testing purposes with a new film.

Yes you do certainly deserve to receive some test film for letting us know
about MACO.  Fax in that request :-)

I have updated the Infrared FAQ with details of the MACO film.

All the best,

                     Photographic Services, Filters and Equipment, Infrared FAQ
                            Adventures in Cyberspace - Digital Art and Photos

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