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Re: How About An Infra-Red Photo Contest?

  • From: Georgios Christou <gchristou@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: How About An Infra-Red Photo Contest?
  • Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 13:55:20 -0500

I couldn't agree more. A little constructive critisism from some of our members
would definitely help me go a long way. Even with no prizes, it's a great idea


John Wood wrote:

> I have been taking infra-red photos for the last 6 months and wonder how my
> photos stack up to others in our little group and in the photographic
> community at large.
> I would like to put forth the idea of an independantly judged photo
> competition with prizes. (donated by members or better yet, by those that
> sell us materials and equipment)
> This contest would be made up soley of IR based photos in two or more
> catagories including:
> Straight IR (no enhancements other than toning or other common achirval
> processes)
> Portrait
> Senic
> Open (photos may be digitally or otherwise altered)
> Portrait
> Senic
> Entries could be posted to a public site (Yahoo etc.) and contestants would
> post their work for viewing and judging.
> Judges could be picked from different areas of the photographic industry and
> the art community.
> I think this would be a solidifying influnce on this group and give the
> medium a good boost if properly promoted. (If we get factory sponsers the
> promotion will take care of itself)
> I have some material that I think is lovely and I have seen some stellar
> work from other members. Lets bring it out and show it off!
> Let me know your thoughts and ideas?
> *
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