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Re: How About An Infra-Red Photo Contest?

  • From: Luvdove6@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: How About An Infra-Red Photo Contest?
  • Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 13:59:25 EST

In a message dated 11/25/99 7:11:25 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
monsterjon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> I have been taking infra-red photos for the last 6 months and wonder how my
>  photos stack up to others in our little group and in the photographic
>  community at large.
>  I would like to put forth the idea of an independantly judged photo
>  competition with prizes. (donated by members or better yet, by those that
>  sell us materials and equipment)
>  This contest would be made up soley of IR based photos in two or more
>  catagories including:
>  Straight IR (no enhancements other than toning or other common achirval
>  processes)
>  Portrait
>  Senic
>  Open (photos may be digitally or otherwise altered)
>  Portrait
>  Senic
>  Entries could be posted to a public site (Yahoo etc.) and contestants would
>  post their work for viewing and judging.
>  Judges could be picked from different areas of the photographic industry 
>  the art community.
>  I think this would be a solidifying influnce on this group and give the
>  medium a good boost if properly promoted. (If we get factory sponsers the
>  promotion will take care of itself)
>  I have some material that I think is lovely and I have seen some stellar
>  work from other members. Lets bring it out and show it off!
>  Let me know your thoughts and ideas?

Sounds like a great idea... the only thing is if the judge is someone on this 
list, then they've probably seen my favorite photos I've done and wouldn't be 
as impressed the 2nd or 3rd time they've seen it.... it would have to be 
someone who hasn't seen our photos (on webpages... or ones we've shown in any 
way before) right?   ;-)


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