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Kodak Manufacturing Dates for 70mm Film

  • From: "James Bielecki" <bieleckj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Kodak Manufacturing Dates for 70mm Film
  • Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 08:14:07 -0500

>What makes it ever stranger is that I'm almost positive that I've 
>gotten 70mm bulk rolls that have an expiration date a year off >into the future.
>I know there are only a handful of 70mm users on this list, but I >was hoping someone might be able to spread some light on the >situation.

We haven't bought any 70mm CIR or B&W IR in over a year but I'm positive that the last stuff we bought was dated about a year in the future.  Some's still in the freezer (I think) so if I can find the old box and purchase number, I'll get back to you on this.

Jim Bielecki

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