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Maco 820 IR in 5x4

  • From: "Jason Revell (in5)" <jason.revell@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Maco 820 IR in 5x4
  • Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 14:18:00 -0000

Just a quick note to anyone who has ordered some of the Maco IR film in the
5x4 format.

Save your old film boxes !!!

My delivery has just come through for work, though I expect it will need
'testing' in a few different uses for me to get the full feel for the film!
;-)  and the 35mm is in the metal tubs, with the non-IR proof (?) film tubes
inside.  But the 5x4 sheet film just comes in those paper bags with a
metallic/opaque coating on the inside (just like HSI).  So once you have
opened it you have one of three choices;

1) load all 25 sheets into darkslides (a bit impractical as I only have
about 20 DDS's)

2) load some and fog the rest ! (Humm, don't think so)

3) load what you need and put the rest in a empty 5x4 film box.

So, just in case you have ordered any of this format, don't throw away any
spare film boxes you have.

BTW, have many people ordered this in 5x4 format?  and are any of you
looking to use this for scientific uses?

Off into the Studio to start trying this film out.

Jason Revell
Conservation of Fine Art
Univ. of Northumbria
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