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Another Introduction

  • From: Nemesis <jennafur@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Another Introduction
  • Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 22:20:08 -0500

Hello everyone,
I have been thus far lurking, and have decided it's time to introduce my
self as well.

Name: Jennifer Wilson

Profession/Study:  Grade 13 highschool student

Country: Canada

Province: Ontario

Personal history of photography:  I purchased my first camera, a
point&shoot with zoom capabilities, four years ago.  From there I was
inspired by my pictures from a trip soon after.  Last year I took up b/w
photography at my high-school, taking the grade 10 course first
semester, the grade eleven course second semester (grade 12 never ran).
I am currently in grade thirteen art doing photography.

Preferred subjects: Subjects that evict an emotional response from me,
such as a derelict barn; surreal images that I use to evict a response
from others.

Materials: Minolta body, ilford b/w film, generic brand colour film,
tripod, ilford paper, Kodak D-76 developer, Beseler enlarger, anything
else I may have missed

Format: 35mm 

Other strange hobbies: aquarium keeping, experimenting with other forms
of art, reading

How did you find out about this list: I was researching infrared
photography in my quest to produce more surreal images and discover new
techniques to do so.

If there is anything else I may have omitted feel free to ask!

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