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Re: Slides from 35 mm IR Kodak Film or prints

  • From: Clive Warren <Clive.Warren@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Slides from 35 mm IR Kodak Film or prints
  • Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 10:24:53 +0000

>I need to make some slides from my kodak IR film( negatives) or from my
>They do not need to be perfect, just detail, contrast, and subject reasonably
>well.  Has anyone out there done this and if, how did they do it?  I must do
>this soon as they must be submitted for a judging.  I have been told Polaroid
>black and white slide film would do it, but I haven't used the film
>before.  Any
>help as usual will be appreciated!!!!
>Kudos to All
>Larry M


You may be interested in the recent update to the Infrared FAQ on the CoCam
website. URL in sig. file below. Have just added a section on making slides
from Kodak HIE 35mm film.  There is a downloadable manual also.

For a quick way to get there once you are in the Infrared FAQ, simply click
on the "What's New?" option on the floating menu bar and you will be taken
straight to the right place :-)

All the best,

                     Photographic Services, Filters and Equipment, Infrared FAQ
                            Adventures in Cyberspace - Digital Art and Photos

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