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Re: EOS Elan - Infrared counter

  • From: Bertha Adamson <badamson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: EOS Elan - Infrared counter
  • Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 16:46:24 -0700

Jason Revell (in5) wrote:
> >I took a roll where I got the lucky extra frame at the end of 36, and there
> >was no fogging past 36, I guess it stops counting then.  All fogged (just
> >the lower portion of the sprocket holes) up to 36 then the 37th frame was
> >perfect.  Its not a problem, except I like to print the entire frame with
> >the sprockets and all. I wonder if there is a way to disable the counter? I
> >might just purchase a low cost camera to do infrared.
> I had a similair problem with my EOS10 (elan) and I think the amount of
> fogging vary's from camera to camera.  My solution was to buy a Cannon EFM.
> I got mine for about 55 GPB and it works wonderful.  I can use the same
> lenes as my 10 just loose the auto focus, which I woundn't use with IR
> anyway (unless it's a VERY bright day and that's not often in the UK !).
> It's very light to carry, has a flat pressure plate fully manual and has a
> reasonable light meter and very easy to bracket with it.  The only drawback
> is I think EFMs are a bit more expensive in the US than the UK and I dow't
> their are too many of them about, but could perhaps be worth a look?
> Jason Revell

I am not familiar with that model in the US.  Would have to check a Canon site
for the US model equivalent, if there is one. But another option is the
ORIGINAL model of the Rebel.  It does not have the IR counter.  It is a lovely
camera and I took many of the photos on my website with it. I have been using
it recently for IR with no problem. (I put black tape on the back window - it
probably isn't necessary but it reminds me I have IR inside so don't open it
just anywhere.)  The main irritant for me was lack of the depth-of-field
preview, but that is irrelevant for Kodak IR anyway. I believe tons of them
were sold, so they should be available used (to help in comparison, 55 GBP is
about US$94 at typical exchange rates).

Email:  badamson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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