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Re: night time infrared photography

God knows where the military establishment is, but most use starlight scopes for this sort of thing. you get one color, green, usually. or you can use photography off of a FLIR. but most systems have some sort of imaging that is done then enhanced onto film. its not a usual I bought a 35mm off the shelf set up. or you can have the enhanced imagery sent as a digital image. but in any case there is some sort of processing done before you store it, either cooled 
-90 deg F systems or whatever to get very low light images. otherwise you're SOL.

>>> Gavin Wrigley <minty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 5/4/00 5:12:24 PM >>>
>Gavin Wrigley wrote:
>> Quick question . . .
>> has anyone tried night time infrared photography??  Without a light
>> source, any suggestions for exposure or filtration in either black and
>> white or colour infrared??
>Not sure, what you mean by "without a light source". You definitely need
>some light source (electric lights, moon?) to take IR pics. It's a very
>popular mistake that IR film could be used for night pics without
>further illumination (in the visible or the IR spectrum)...
>In typical urban environments where there is a mixture of electric bulbs
>(high amounts of IR) and neon lights (almost no IR emission at all), I
>use HIE with a Wratten #25 red filter (maybe not really necessary?). I
>set my camera's meter to ISO 250 and meter WITHOUT the filter in place.
>TTL and through the filter, this roughly equals IS0 1000. The reason for
>this procedure is that the light meter of the Minolta Dynax 600si I used
>for most of my HIE night shots didn't give consistent results through
>the red filter under such low light conditions. 
>As usual, "your first film sould be a test roll", and BRACKET (+/- 2
>stops on your first film).

I recieved an email from a military establishment asking for suggestions 
about night time photography and asked if infrared would be suitable 
medium, here's the edited highlights:

>Most of our 
>photographic requirements are low light or nighttime assignments. Also, many
>are under water. We have used T-max 3200 pushed to extremes with extra long
>to get the job done but often long exposures just aren't practical due to
>possiblility of 
>detection. I would like to know if you feel that infrared would be the way
>for us to go. If so, 
>could you please give me some starting points (film types, filters,
>exposures) and any other 
>techniques that may help.

I didn't have much of a clue, which is why I thought I'd put the question 
here for an answer.  I'll be passing on any info to them.  All the info 
I've got is based on some form of IR illumination.

Thanks again!


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