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Re: Wedding Book Recommendation

  • From: Stan McQueen <stan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Wedding Book Recommendation
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 09:34:54 -0600

At 07:20 PM 07/17/2000 -0400, Rolland Elliott wrote:
>How can you recommend a book you haven't read? OR if you have read it why 
>not give us a quick review?  Peace Rolland

You're quite right, of course. I misspoke (mistyped?). That area of my site 
is actually called "Featured Books," not "Recommended Books." It contains 
several books that I own and have read as well as a few others that I 
haven't gotten around to, yet, but have on my "to-do" list. I like your 
idea of a review. I think I will create a book review section of my site in 
which I will put my own reviews of books and to which visitors can add 
their own comments, like they can now add comments to my photos online. 
Thanks for the idea.

IR and other photos by Stan McQueen at

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