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Re: Horseman 612

  • From: Joel Seaman <jseaman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Horseman 612
  • Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 22:50:21 -0400


I have a Horseman 6X12 and it is an excellent camera.  I originally had
the 45MM lens but that lens proved unsatisfactory.   I still had to
contend with light fall off problems, even with the center filter.  The
45MM lens does not offer a large enough image circle to really cover
612.  I switched to a 55MM lens which has taken care of this problem.
You still need a center filter.   Most people don't bother using the
Kenko one that is included in the kit.  Changing lenses is certainly not
fast so I just use it as a one lens camera.

I shoot Velvia in my other cameras, but I have gone to 100VS in the
Horseman.  The
1 2/3 F-stop difference is equal to the center filter compensation (I
shoot velvia at asa 32) and therefore I can use my light meter with only
one setting and not worry about messing up with the different cameras.
The 100 ASA is also helpful with the Horseman because the lens is meant
to be shot near F11 and F16 helps with the depth of field concerns.  We
are talking slow shutter speeds here...which means that if you have seen
the claim that this is a hand held camera; well I have no idea what they
are talking about.

View finders take awhile to get use to.  The glass focusing back that
comes with the kit is fresnel, not barn doors, I don't
bother with it.

The center filter can create some real flare forget about
ever letting any type of direct sun light near the lens.

When I get it right the images are stunning!!


?If anybody out there is using one of these I would appreciate advice on
lens to buy with camera. Maybe 6x12 doesn't quite meet the standard for
panorama. Also, I'd be interested in hearing from anyone using
Xpan as to how satisfactory this unit performs. Thanks, John Kendig*