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Re: Horseman 612

  • From: Joel Seaman <jseaman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Horseman 612
  • Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 09:47:06 -0400


Some folks allegedly are successful with the 45MM.  They seem to get by
with the help of a Schnieder Center filter which is a 2 stop (4X)
filter, and substantially less expensive.  I did have occasional images
that worked well with the 45MM, but this was extremely inconsistent.
Rodenstock recommeds a 1 1/2 stop for both lenses.  The Rodenstock 1 1/2
stop (ND 0.45) is the same as the Heliopan which you might find for less
money.  I have the ND 0.45 Rodenstock but since they are "hand made"
they vary in actual compensation, and therefore my 1 2/3 stop Velvia /
100VS solution. You will have to test yours to see what it really
needs.  Rodenstock told me that the ND 0.45 should require only 1 1/3
stop compensation.....fat chance.

When I bought my Horseman Samy's Camera had the best price which was
their 612 kits, although, other then giving Samy's my credit card # and
receiving the camera, I found them to be less than useless and less than

Good luck
