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Re: mounting/framing pans


My advice is to forget the frame and mat, instead mount the print on 6mm 
sintra board (extruded plastic) and apply a hidden backer frame to make the 
print float off of the wall.  Pallas Photo in Denver and Imagecraft in 
Tempe, AZ can do this work.  The shipping costs go up but there is no need 
to go to the framer.


At 10:07 PM 7/15/00 -0700, you wrote:
>I recently had a 72" print made from an XPan neg. Then I needed to have it
>made ready for presentation in a hurry. I went to a local framer who does
>good work, but is not cheap. The results were OK, but not spectacular and
>too expensive. This is partly because the print exceeded the size of matte
>board. Of course the frame (aluminum) and plexi were not cheap, either.
>Has anyone come up with a way to present large prints that does not end up
>costing out-of-proportion to the cost of the print? In this instance, the
>framing was nearly 4X the cost of the print.
>I was wondering about mounting on gatorboard then somehow finishing the
>edges. That, with lamination, should make a nice presentation. But what
>would work for the edges? Any ideas about this or other low-cost mounting
>M. Denis Hill
>Area 360 Communications
>Have you visited the discussion forums at