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Re: LS-2000 help

  • From: Bill Glickman <bglick@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: LS-2000 help
  • Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 14:53:02 -0700


     Hope you don't mind a few of us tapping into your expertise!  :-)  I
use a Howtek 8000 dpi drum scanner with Trident 4.0 software.  A few issues
your raised....

> Ok just a few guidlines for better scans
> 1. Turn off sharpening
> Do that in photoshop during color correction and use SPARINGLY.

      Is this true for drum scanners also?  The images look a bit weak with
out some USM used.  I try to use low to moderate, but never high.  Is this

> 2. Figure out what the FINAL size of the scan and scan that size.
> (magnification %)
> For example If you have a 4X5 and you wanna make an 8X10 Scan it at
> 200% not at 1200 DPI.....
> DO NOT!!! I repeat DO NOT!!!  scan at the Max resolution of the
> scanner and then scale the photo up. That makes the WORST possible scan +
> Its a waste of HD space. Your scans should rarely pass 250 dpi. (If you
> wanna know why read the book)

           What exactly do you mean by scaling up?  If I want to scan an
image and print at different sizes, say 11x14, 20x24 and 40x48, are you
saying that if I scan at the 40x48 and then print at 11x14 it will be an
inferior scan vs. if I scan it once for each size print output?  If so, that
is very fascinating and not widely known.  Possibly I misunderstood what you
were getting at.

Thanks Ed
Bill G