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RE: LS-2000 help

  • From: "Sokolowski, Ed" <esokolowski@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: LS-2000 help
  • Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 09:37:14 -0400


I was not aware of that.... I am not sure why Epson would convert CMYK to
RGB to pring on CMYK sounds Like they are trying to correct the problem I
was talking about. Users printing RGB to CMYK printers. Our Epson 5000's and
7000's are balenced for the press so that the output from either machine
MATCHES the output from the press. All files are CMYK. 

The press that we send the final to RQUIRES CMYK Wouldnt it be better
workflow to make only one document that represents the final output insted
of one for proofing and one for press..........??? 


> ----------
> From: 	Ernst Dinkla
> Reply To: 	panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: 	Tuesday, August 8, 2000 4:54 AM
> To: 	'panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: 	RE: LS-2000 help
> In <URL:news:lokaal.panorama> on Mon 07 Aug, Sokolowski, Ed wrote:
> > One final thing.....
> > 
> > If you are printing to an Epson Type Printer (CMYK not RGB) Change the
> mode
> > of the pic to CMYK.
> > All (well most all) scanners default to RGB to scan photos. If you can
> scan
> > in CMYK thats even better. 
> If you are using a RIP for your Epson you could use CMYK. However the
> normal Epson composite printer drivers need RGB input. If you give them
> CMYK then there will be a conversion to RGB first and after that a new
> conversion to CMYK by the driver itself, not the best workflow.
> Ernst
> -- 
> Ernst Dinkla  Serigrafie,Zeefdruk            The point will never be
> metric