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RE: LS-2000 help

  • From: Denton Taylor <denton@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: LS-2000 help
  • Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 07:33:09 -0400

Ed, I think you are mixing up the needs of two different types of users... 
you are obviously from the pre-press world where CMYK is the only standard.

But for folks who are merely trying to replace a color enlarger with an 
inkjet printer, RGB is the standard. RGB has a much larger gamut than CMYK. 
The only need to enter the CMYK world is if the final output is to a press. 
But most folks don't need to.

At 09:37 AM 8/8/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I was not aware of that.... I am not sure why Epson would convert CMYK to
>RGB to pring on CMYK sounds Like they are trying to correct the problem I
>was talking about. Users printing RGB to CMYK printers. Our Epson 5000's and
>7000's are balenced for the press so that the output from either machine
>MATCHES the output from the press. All files are CMYK.
>The press that we send the final to RQUIRES CMYK Wouldnt it be better
>workflow to make only one document that represents the final output insted
>of one for proofing and one for press..........???

Denton Taylor
Photogallery at
Panoramas and Immersive Imaging at