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Intro and Lens question

Hello quick self intro my name is Bruce Anderson and I'm a creator with Live
Picture in Japan.  I make a lot of panoramas and multimedia web content and
joined the list to share and get ideas/help.  Well, mainly help :-P

If anyone can help me you get 5 gold stars. The current tour I'm working on
was taken by someone else and given to me on photocd. All the panos (100!)
were taken by a 35mm SLR camera, no problem there but the lens he used was an
18mm wide angle which is uneven. The lens in landscape when taking photos,
produces images where the top part of the image is slightly enlarged more than
the bottom, and all the panos I received where taken in portrait, so the left
is smaller than the right side, which really throws Pvista out.

Is there a way to get around this? I'm imagining Pano Tools might do it, but I
have never had to fix an unevenly distorted effect like this before, can
someone point me towards the light?
