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Re: 360 deg. slide-projector ?!

  • From: simon nathan <simonwide@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: 360 deg. slide-projector ?!
  • Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 12:25:44 +0000


ADavidhazy wrote:

Once a student and I did some projections into a translucent glass sphere using
a fisheye lens adapter on a motion picture projector that, if I recall
correctly, was quite interesting.

Scanning projectors may not be the best solution to projection. Better, I
think, to convert to a spherical doughnut shaped image and then project with a
cone or other auxiliary device to an instantaneous 360 degree projection. This
enables easy image changes as well. I would suspect you'd want to make the
"dupes" on something larger than 35mm stock ... maybe 2 1/4 or 4x4?to d.hazy: South Henrietta Institute of Photography
use 46mm and keep it workable in carousel...forox it.simon     see my answer which did. go on line.
Andrew  o o  0 0 o . o  Davidhazy, Imaging and Photo Tech
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> hi there,

> spinning around with a 220vr and taking slides i wonder
> if there are 360 deg. slide-projectors for those panos?
> kind of rotating lens and light spinning in the middle (light)
> and outside (lens) of a pano-slide that is mounted on a plexiglas-drum?

> cheers, michael

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