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Appeal for Help

What do you say we give her the number to the FBI for the help she desires?
George Pearl, CPP
Atlanta, GA.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mabinti Christian Kargbo" <kwekuos@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 3:19 PM

> It is my pleasure to contact you at this point in time for an urgent
> business relationship/an appeal to come to my aid.
> I got your company's contact from a trade magazine I picked up while
> in the refugee camp in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa.
> I am Mrs.MABINTI CHRISTIAN KARGBO from Sierra Leone, the
> wife of the late central bank governor, Mr CHRISTIA KARGBO
> under the short time ten-month government of Major Paul Johnny
> Koromah (1997/1998).
> My husband was executed by president Ahmed Tejan Karbah in 1998
> among a few others on the suspicion of aiding the rebel regime of
> Major Paul Koromah for a coup d'etat of May 1997 against his
> government before the Ecomog troops restored him back as President
> of Sierra Leone.
> Because of the death of my husband, some family members and
> properties, I took with me few of my children and ran into a refugee
> camp in a neighbouring country of the republic of Guinea.
> About three weeks ago when I privately came back to Sierra Leone a
> feww family members and I discovered documents marked secret
> belonging to my late husband in his underground safe in our village.
> Among this document is a certificate of deposit as a beneficiary who
> deposited three boxes, as family treasures kept in a known security firm
> in one of the European countries. Within the last four nights from the
> exchange of telephone and faxes, the company is awaiting our arrival to
> come and pick up the boxes.
> Attached with the documents is an instruction that the actual contents of
> the boxes are three boxes containing $46,800,000.00USD (forty-six
> million eight hundred thousand United States Dollars).
> I am contacting you to come to my aid to handle the whole issue for
> purposes of investment in your country, as my experience will be very
> limited in such areas. I shall accompany you to your country, at the end
> of everything and compensate you accordingly.
> As you receive this email, reply me providing your telephone and fax
> numbers for easy communication, and I shall give you all the details you
> require, before  I move from Sierra Leone to Europe.
> Because of the security position in my country (Sierra Leone), reply me
> only with these private lines:
> Tel: +87 1 7626 56032
> Tel: +87 1 7626 56033
> Fax: +87 1 7626 56034
> e.g from London, you dial 00 87 1 7626 56032
> As I expect your urgent repky, my regards.
> Mrs. Mabinti Christian Kargbo