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RE: I really Love your place :-)

  • From: Robert Erickson <cirkut8@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: I really Love your place :-)
  • Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 06:39:43 -0800 (PST)

My advice to George or anybody else with a dream is to
go ahead, Just Do It! I sure am glad that I did.

Thanks for remembering my panoramic exhibit at the
Museum of Science and Industry. I consider it one of
the things in my life that I am most proud of. IMHO It
was a huge success, making not only the local Chicago
TV and press but also the international press. I
remember receiving a call from the Museum Of Science &
Industry when a Japanese news crew showed up to film
the exhibit. 

Back then I was the IAPP President Elect and so took
the exhibit to the board. I had already secured the
time and space with the MS&I for the exhibit on my
own. I thought it would be a great idea to make it an
IAPP event. I was shocked when the IAPP board
unanimously refused to sanction my efforts. IAPP gave
me zero cooperation in organizing it. I took the
attitude of the hell with the board and did it any
way, pissing off a few, spending a couple of thousands
of my own dollars, and was extremely happy to have
done so. :-)

In the end, the same IAPP board individuals who voted
against the exhibit submitted pictures for it. After
the exhibit opened THEN IAPP took the credit,
including pictures of the exhibit in Panorama
Magazine. Officially the only recognition from IAPP
that I have ever received was a half hearted "gee
thanks Bob" from Addie at the World Conference

BTY- When the IAPP board voted to remove me as the
IAPP "official" webmaster I "picked up my marbles" and
moved my work to my own site and started the Panoramic
Network and the Panoramic
Photography Club. The PPC is now twice as big as IAPP
with over 800 members and growing at a rate of two or
three a day. I believe that by the first annual
meeting next April in south Florida we will have well
over a thousand members.

I believe that the reasons for the success of the PPC
is the same as this list. Both are free,open to all,
web based, and up dated instantly. Want to make an
announcement, the go to the site and post it. Not
happy what someone stated, then sound off yourself. 

Just Do It.
Bob Erickson

Robert Erickson, cirkut8@xxxxxxxxx
The Panoramic Network:

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