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Re: Figuring exposure on swing lense cameras

  • From: James Young <jamiehy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Figuring exposure on swing lense cameras
  • Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 18:08:30 -0600

>In New York we have a saying. It goes like this. "How do I
>get to Carnegie Hall?...."Practice, my child, practice."
>Run a test. Also figure that the exposure needed for one
>side of the sweep might be diferent from the other side.
>Try shooting on overcast-bright days. Ed
>On Sat, 25 Nov 2000, James Young wrote:
>>  I'm working on getting some panorams and al- vistas going and wonder
>>  if anyone could give me the formula for figuring out exposure times,
>>  as each camera tends to do move at it's own rate. Thanks- Jamie

I 'd still like a formula if anyone has one. With various cameras and 
fans, it would be nice to have a head start, before I go shoot 
Carnegie hall.  Jamie