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Re: Noblex warranties

  • From: Willem-Jan Markerink <w.j.markerink@xxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Noblex warranties
  • Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 10:20:20 +0100

On 13 Dec 00 at 22:43, Denton Taylor wrote:

> Finally I'm so glad Noblex has chosen to join our little panoramic list. I 
> don't recall them offering advice or support before. They only pipe up when 
> one of their distributors is pitching a bitch. Hey guys, wanna charge us 
> more? How about a little more support!!!

I don't think they are reading this list, since they don't have to be 
a member/subscriber to be allowed to post....sorry to burst your 
(I see this happening on my lists too)

Btw, the way I understood their posting, the problem is fraud with 
warranty cards, most likely extending them way beyond their original 
purchase date.
Imagine, you have a used/demo unit, either as a dealer or as an 
individual, and you want to sell it with warranty....
Theft somewhere in the distribution channel could also be the cause, 
but I agree with folks here that the customer shouldn't be punished 
for that, not for warranty-denial, and *definately* not for 
service/repair-denial....even German law has some kind of 'innocent 
buyer = legal owner' property-protection regulation....unless the 
buyer should have known that the stuff was hot, given the price.

BUT: *if* they were indeed stolen, there should have been a request 
for notification of the the offense seems less serious 
than that, and the counter-action quite draconic....for only 64 
'questionable' cameras....


Willem-Jan Markerink

      The desire to understand 
is sometimes far less intelligent than
     the inability to understand

[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]