Mailinglist Archives:

This mailinglist archive is frozen since May 2001, i.e. it will stay online but will not be updated.
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I am pleased to inform you all that the number of members on the IAPP companion web site now exceeds 50. 

For all of you who have joined (or are considering joining) I have a couple of messages. 

1) You should only have to become a member once. When revisiting the site you just need to use your log-in name and password. You don't need to renew your membership every time you visit. A couple of people have joined more than once and are listed in the same manner.

2) A new tool called "Community Site" will be running soon. This tool is features separate pages within the overall site that can be used for anything. There will be a total of 5 of these. The first page will be devoted to the Richard Fowler Foundation of IAPP. This foundation is devoted to panoramic imaging education and outreach. We will also have other pages that feature forms available for becoming an IAPP member and registration forms for the upcoming IAPP International Convention in Napa, California. 

3) The IAPP companion site (as with the chat line here) depends on YOU for its information content. If there is news, special events you want listed on the Calendar, subjects you want used in a survey, or anything else placed on the site, PLEASE let me know. As site administrator, I can populate the site with this information. The discussion board, I believe, is free and open, and does not need to be initiated by me.

Thanks again and have a great holiday season!

Richard Schneider
IAPP Secretary / Treasurer