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Re: New to list - my short bio

  • From: "J. Steven Salibo" <count0@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: New to list - my short bio
  • Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 18:02:18 -0400

Name: J. Steven Salibo (Steve)
Profession:  Technical Sales Rep. Kodak Professional
Texan in exile, currently in MD / DC area.
Trained in commercial photography, 4x5.  Also have done journalism, run b/w
and E-6 labs.  Taught Photography, have two books on Blues Muscians
published in Austin, Texas.  Also have done wildlife, aerial, advertizing
and underwater photography.
Followed the link from our Web page to the IR list.
Currently own digital, 35mm, nikonos,  6x4.5 and 4x5 equipment. (Plus lots
of free sample film!)

Very intrigued by the digital infrared --how about some more info!


----- Original Message -----
From: <bslayter@xxxxxxx>
To: <infrared@xxxxx>
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 4:04 PM
Subject: New to list - my short bio

> - Name: Benjamin Slayter
> - Profession/Study: Webmaster, Digital Photographer, Marketing Coordinator
> - Country: United States (Michigan)
> - Personal history of photography: black/white, underwater, color slides,
> digital for
>      my short (25 years) lifetime.  10 years experience so far.
> - Preferred subjects: panoramas, false color IR, Digital IR (- Thanks Carl
> Schofield)
> - Materials (film, filters, paper, chemistry): Compact flash, Photoshop,
> - Format (35mm/medium format/large format): 35mm, medium format, digital
> - Other strange hobbies: scuba
> - How did you find out about this list: Clive Warren's FAQ
> - In case you already have your own IR-Gallery on the web, please
> state the URL/address: (I will then also add your site to the overview of
> IR-Galleries on my homepage!....think of the fame you can get....:-))
> Or indeed the ridicule ;) OK:
> - Expand on anything photographic you like:
> Have been involved in photography since 1986 - first course taken
> was with dad's Nikkormat SLR.  Since then have become involved with
> underwater photography, slide photography, and recently (thanks to
> carl schofield, a member of my Nikon CP950 ring) digital infrared
> photography.
> My experiments in Infrared "Wet" photography were uneventful and a bit
> hit and miss.  Currently using Nikon CP950 and Tiffen 87 filter and
> Photoshop.
> Look forward to any / all comments.
> Regards to all,
> Ben
> *
> ****
> *******
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