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An IR "club" online

  • From: Luvdove6@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: An IR "club" online
  • Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 19:45:05 EDT

I created a place for IR photographers to share their photos and view points 
of IR... if you want to, you can go to the URL to join the Listed 
Yahoo! Club named "InfraRed Visions and Dreamscapes".  You can upload photos, 
view them, post and read messages and other things like that...  and I'll 
post a homepage link for all who join... 

To become a member of this club, just go to the
Web address below:

You need to go to the address above to join the club,
but you can take a look at the club by going to:

Note: This invitation will expire after 7 days, or after
being used.

If you don't want to, 
no need for you to do anything. You will not be
enrolled as a member.

Hope to see you there  ;-)
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