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RE: microdol-x times

  • From: "George L Smyth" <GLSmyth@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: microdol-x times
  • Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 06:40:03 -0400

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-infrared@xxxxx [mailto:owner-infrared@xxxxx]On Behalf Of
> hellhexx
> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 11:12 PM
> To: infrared@xxxxx
> Subject: Re: microdol-x times
> "J. Steven Salibo" wrote:
> > 2. Why do you want to use this particular combo?  I found M-X
> to be somewhat
> > mushy grain and a fairly long range in terms of contrast.  Is
> that what you
> > are looking for??  I think that D-76, HC-110, or the every popular D-19
> > ----
> well....I use alot of infrared b/w...and thought of just
> experimenting with
> different developers............I was given this package of
> mircrodol-x..and it
> said I thought I would give it a shot.....I like

It is a fine grain developer, which means that it works well with fine grain
films.  With other films, it will mush things up.  OTOH, there's certainly
nothing wrong with giving it a shot to see what happens.  It might even work
well with your style (it doesn't work with mine).

Good luck -


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