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Re: Hi I'm new and need help!!(private)

  • From: Luvdove6@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Hi I'm new and need help!!(private)
  • Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:41:27 EDT

> I've got a roll of Kokak infra red sitting in the 
>  Fridge and I'm afraid to use it!!

I know how you feel!!!!  I know most people make it sound pretty complicated! 
 But its actually really simple...  The first concern is loading and 
unloading in the dark!  Complete visual AND infra red darkness!  Honestly, I 
climb under my covers and put my film in!  Just make sure it is TOTALLY dark 
with no light cracks anywhere  ;-)

I started off using a point and shoot camera so it really doesn't matter 
which camera you use but make sure there are no light leaks..  although SOME 
would say its not necessary, if you have that little window in the back that 
shows through to your canister, cover it with black opaque tape!  

Just use a filter over the lens, red 25, 29 or an IR filter...  you can just 
use the light meter with a red 25 and just shoot it automatic!   Make sure 
there is plenty of sunlight....  

If you want to ask questions.. you can ask me  ;-)
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