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Re: Er...I'm a bit stuck!!

  • From: George L Smyth <glsmyth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Er...I'm a bit stuck!!
  • Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:21:04 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, David Green wrote:

> Right
> Guys and girls
> I've got me film out the fridge, I've done battle with the changing 
> bag, under my bed clothes , at midnight, got me fingers hands all 
> sweaty and mangaged to get it in!!...The film that is.
> The wether looks good for the next day, My filter is on my
> old battered Olympus OM10, got me tripod.
> Oh dear, What ISO do I set it to, and how do
> I focus,  with out a little Ir bit on my lens?? 

You needn't go through all the problems of climbing into bed with the
camera - just load it in the dark.  I do this in my bathroom (I call it a

I am assuming that you are using a #25 filter.  My suggestion is that you
set your camera to EI 250 and meter through the lens.  Obviously, you will
want to do a little bracketing (I'd recommend a stop either way) when you
start, as the results you expect may well not be what I expect (you can
visit my site to see my images).

You shouldn't have any problems with focusing.  Just shoot at F8 or
smaller and the focus adjustment will fall into place without a problem.


Handmade Photographic Images

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