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Re: IR laser/holograms cont'd

At 03:48 PM 11/4/99 +0100, you wrote:
>On  4 Nov 99 at 1:26, Editor - P.O.V. Image Service wrote:
> > If anyone decides to pursue this line, please let me know...
> >
> > Would love to be involved in whatever way possible..
>For those of you focusing on the 3D-effect of such a project:
>Don't rule out ordinary stereophotography. Not only can this be done
>with any film (including HIE) and even any camera (shifting from
>left to right on a rail+tripod, instead of using two cameras
>simultaneously), but there are even people who have combined it with
>swing-lens panorama cameras. None however in combination with
> there is still some terrain to be explored....;-))
>(and there is even a 'real-time' 360 degree stereo-camera made this
>way, with a set of two endless pieces of 70mm film, to be viewed in
>a device mounted on tripod, so that one can 'review' the original
>recording 1:1, by rotating the viewer around. Just in case someone
>needed some inspiration for a winter project....;-))

And if anyone has ever done any close ups hand held and shot two frames of 
the same angle you'll already have a stereo pair since you can't maintain 
the exact camera position hand held.


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