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Re: IR laser/holograms cont'd

  • From: Joel Alpers <joel.alpers@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: IR laser/holograms cont'd
  • Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 13:19:07 -0700

w.j.markerink@xxxxx wrote:

> Subject: Re: IR laser/holograms cont'd
> On  4 Nov 99 at 1:26, Editor - P.O.V. Image Service wrote:
> > If anyone decides to pursue this line, please let me know...
> >
> > Would love to be involved in whatever way possible..
> For those of you focusing on the 3D-effect of such a project:
> Don't rule out ordinary stereophotography. Not only can this be done
> with any film (including HIE) and even any camera (shifting from
> left to right on a rail+tripod, instead of using two cameras
> simultaneously), but there are even people who have combined it with
> swing-lens panorama cameras. None however in combination with
> there is still some terrain to be explored....;-))

Don't be too sure! My swing-lens panoramic camera died on
me before I took up HIE, or I'd have tried that by now. I'm
sure that -someone- has done it. 

BTW have you seen the book "Infrared Stereo Nudes"???
It's available from Reel-3d Enterprises. I haven't seen
it myself, but thought this list might be interested to
know that it exists.

A co-worker accused me of having "fringe" tastes in photography.
I didn't think much of it until recently, when I took a pair
of stereo photos and then realized I had just taken:

  medium-format  stereo   fisheye   infrared


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