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Re: reusing diluted developer ?

  • From: "Joseph O'Neil" <joneil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: reusing diluted developer ?
  • Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 18:30:59 -0500

At 03:43 PM 11/5/99 -0600, you wrote:
>that's for repelnishing at the stock solution though. not at the 1:1
dilution. at 8 oz per roll, a gallon of D-76 at 1:1 will do 33 rolls.
assuming you don't spill any. then you can toss it. a gallon of fix and
stop still exhaust at 100 rolls.

	I have never liked re-using developer, as I can never maintian the same
degree of consistancy that I obtain with one shot developing.
	If economics are a factor in deciding to re-use developer, I have two
suggestions in that area.  First, developer, like film, is problaly the
cheapest part of any photography.
	Secondly, try using D-76 (or Xtol or HC-110 or any favourite developer) at
ratios of 1:2 or 1:3.  At some point you  cannot go too far, as you need a
minimum amount of chemical "energy" in a tank to properly develop a film.
	However, for sake of argument, say you mix your D-76 at 1:3 and then
triple your devlopment times, you might be pleasantly surprized with the
results.  It will certianly take a bit of experimenting to find out just
exactly how long to extend your development times when diluting, but a lot
of developers will work this way, and while it is a lot longer to develop
film, it will save you money and keep your results consistant.
B&W, Large Format Photography from SW Ontario
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