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Kodak to discontinue HSI?

  • From: "Keith Davison" <keith.davison@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Kodak to discontinue HSI?
  • Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 11:33:34 -0000

I was just checking the latest price on 4x5 sheet HSI with my local supplier 
when he added that Kodak intended to discontinue this product.  When the 
convulsions subsided I questioned further, he said that a date for 
discontinuation had not been set yet, but it was flagged on their stock list 
and that it "would be soon".

Has anyone heard anything to confirm this?

Considering that Kodak have recently admitted that they have problems with 
emulsion coating on HSI sheet, perhaps they have decided it is too much 
trouble to correct and withdrawal of product is a cheaper fix.
I am still fuming over the withdrawal of Royal Gold 25, please tell me that my 
supplier has been misinformed!

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