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Re: Kodak to discontinue HSI?

At 4:07 pm -0800 10/11/99, Stan Patz wrote:

>>From: "Keith Davison" <keith.davison@xxxxxxxxx>
>>Subject: Kodak to discontinue HSI?
>>I was just checking the latest price on 4x5 sheet HSI with my local
>> >supplier when he added that Kodak intended to discontinue this >product.
>Dear Keith,
>Today, I spoke with Dick Johnson, my contact at Kodak. He said Kodak has no
>current plans to discontinue HSI.
>Stan Patz   NYC

Hello Stan,

Well that's good news.

Suppliers and the Professional Product Section at Kodak yesterday suggested
that it would be discontinued in the UK.  It seems likely that Kodak in the
USA have a better idea of future manufacturing plans.

Is HSI manufactured only in the USA and exported worldwide?  The
manufacturing of some products may be either outsourced, manufactured under
licence, or manufactured by Kodak factories located in various countries.

This could explain why there are now pinhole problems with HSI whereas
there were none in the past.  HSI production may no longer be carried out
by the original Kodak factories.

Guess that these issues are company confidential.

Just called Kodak UK again and asked them to send me a written statement on
the future for 4x5 HSI.  That should be definitive for the UK at least.

All the best,

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